Damn he hated coming to
Raleigh. But he would continue to visit. He owed her that. He hadn’t been
there for her when she needed him. He would live with that the rest of his
life. So, like a dutiful son, he came down, put flowers on the grave, made sure
it was well maintained and stood awkwardly for a few minutes. They were certainly spread
out now. Mom in Raleigh, Dad in Virginia and Samantha . . . who knew where her
physical body rested, if it rested. This time hadn’t been as
bad. Bad, but nothing like past trips . . . because Scully was here. She was
with him. She was with him, in every way now. The whole-ness he’d only
spoken of in the hallway so many years ago was here now. Sometimes he regretted
the time it had taken, but they hadn’t been ready then. There had still been
things they had to ‘get through’. Now, now they were together. As though reading his
mind, she shifted in her sleep, moving closer to him. He regretted the loss of
the old bench seats, even as he smiled, not taking his eyes from the road. It
was beginning to rain lightly. She couldn’t read his
mind, but he had read hers. Knowing she loved him as much as he loved her was a
great confidence builder and had finally given him the courage to ask her to be
with him. The memory of her acceptance still warmed him. He glanced over at her.
He couldn’t help himself. She seemed more beautiful every time he looked at her
lately. As though sensing him, she opened her eyes. “Mulder! Stop!” He hit the brakes
immediately, trusting her assessment before even making his own. He came to a
sliding halt scant feet from the young woman. “Jesus!” His hands
trembled slightly from the adrenaline rush at the near collision. He glanced
over at Scully to make sure she wasn’t injured, then opened his door. He moved
quickly to the young woman. “Are you okay?” She was wearing a long
white evening gown and her hair was put up, though now beginning to droop in
this weather. The mist had hidden that from him. What was going on here?
She had obviously been to
a party. What the hell was she doing standing under this bridge in the dark and
wet? “Miss? Can you hear me?
Do you need some help?” Her car must have broken down, but he didn’t see one
anywhere. Something had happened to her; she looked like she was in shock,
pale. “Yes.” Her voice was
low. “I want to go home. I live nearby, in High Point.” “Uh, yeah, okay. Where’s
your car?” He glanced over at Scully who had also exited the car now, bringing
an umbrella with her. “I was at a dance.” She
spoke in a monotone. “My date and I had a quarrel. It was very bad. I made
him let me out back there.” “You really shouldn’t be
out here alone,” he said motioning for Scully to move closer. The girl didn’t
respond. “Are you cold?” Mulder removed his jacket. She looked cold and wet
from the heavy mist. He placed the coat around her shoulders and moved her
toward the car. He opened the back door to their sedan. They both tried talking to
her, but obviously she wasn’t in the mood for conversation. Mulder and Scully
finally became quiet as well, though they exchanged glances. He wasn’t familiar
with this area and very much wished he’d stayed on I-40 now. He’d been looking
forward to finding a little place for him and Scully to spend the night. The young woman spoke
abruptly. “Turn at the next right. My house is three doors down on the left.” Mulder glanced over at
Scully and shrugged. At least this hadn’t taken too long. They could get her
home, then find a place to eat. He parked in front of the
dark house and got out of the car to open the door for her. The back seat was
empty except for his coat. “What the hell?” He
jerked the door open and Scully turned to see the problem. “Did you see her get
out?” “No, but she must have
slipped out while you were - “ “Scully, did the interior
light come on?” “Well no, but it’s a
rental car. The electrical system could be . . . “ She stopped at the
expression on his face. “I don’t know.” “I don’t know what’s going
on, but I’m going to find out.” “Mulder, it’s getting
late.” “Right, so if she is in
trouble, we need to find out. She was just a kid. I’m going to make sure she
got inside.” Scully unbuckled her
seatbelt. “You can stay here,
Scully. It’s foggy and wet.” “Right and you’re a big
guy. I don’t want you scaring anyone. Come on, let’s check on her and get
going.” She took his hand and they walked to the house. “So, you think I’m a big
guy? You know what they say about big feet . . . “ “And big noses, Mulder,”
she retorted smartly. He glared down at her. “Thank goodness they’re right.”
She stepped in front of him to take the steps to the porch as his mouth dropped
open. She felt his hands close
on her hips and smiled to herself. “Hey, a little professionalism here.” In
reality she was delighted that he would play. She was very glad they had worked
out this trip together. At first he had opposed her coming, obviously
protecting her from the sorrow of the situation. She had insisted. The last
time he had come back in a funk that had torn at him for days. There was no
need to continue to beat himself up over his mother’s death. He wasn’t
responsible and while paying his respects was the right thing, wallowing in
guilt did no one any good. “I think there’s a light
on in the back.” “May I help you?” A
middle aged woman with light hair and glasses looked out at them. “Yes ma’am. We’re sorry
to disturb you, but we picked up a young woman a few miles from here and were
bringing her home at her direction. We didn’t see her get out of the car - “ “I see. Thank you.” She
started to close the door, but Mulder put his hand on it. “Excuse me, is she here?” The woman hesitated.
“You’re not from around here.” “No ma’am.” Mulder
withdrew his ID and Scully did the same. “I’m Mada Dula. My
goodness. She’s moving high class this time.” “Excuse me?” Scully
finally spoke. The older woman sighed.
“Why don’t you step inside. It’s raw out there tonight.” She opened the door
wider and a little reluctantly they came inside. “Can I get you some coffee or
tea?” “We just wanted to make
sure the young lady - “ They followed her into a comfortable looking family room
and at her invitation, took seats on the plaid couch. “Lydia,” Mada offered. “Lydia got inside okay,”
Mulder finished. Mada sighed. “You’re not
writers doin’ some kind of research.” “Uh, no.” Mulder was
confused and Scully was becoming annoyed. The woman shook her head.
“The government. She had to stop FBI agents.” They waited for her to
continue. “Lydia was my first cousin once removed.” Mulder blinked at her. “You’re in the South, Mr.
Mulder. We have those down here,” she said dryly. Mulder smiled warmly.
“You said was?” “Don’t be tryin’ to charm
me, Mr. Mulder. I’m not Lydia, I don’t go for pretty boys.” “Pretty . . . “ “I prefer my men to look
like husbands.” He sat up a little
straighter. “You don’t think I look like a husband?” “To be honest you look
like one of those Chippendale boys.” She said tartly. They both turned to look
at Scully when she started coughing. Mada moved to her and patted her on her
back. “Put your arms up over your head, Honey.” “I’m, I’m fine.” Scully
got herself back under control, ignoring Mulder’s glare while Mada wasn’t
looking. “Ms. Dula, did you say
Lydia was your cousin?” Mada paused. “Lydia’s a
ghost,” she said finally, sighing. Scully blinked and glanced
over at Mulder. As she’d known, a grin was growing on his face. “Ghost?” he
finally asked. “You can’t arrest me for
soundin’ crazy.” Mulder shook his head.
“No ma’am. But I would like a little more explanation.” After a moment she nodded.
“How about that coffee?” “Well if it’s no
trouble.” He smiled at the woman. She rolled her eyes, then
reached over and patted his knee. “I told you, don’t even try. I’ll be right
back.” She turned toward the back of the house. “Mulder,” Scully hissed at
him. “You’re kidding!” “Come on, Scully. Lydia
was in our car. Hell, she gave us directions to this house.” Scully sighed and glanced
at her watch. Mada was back shortly with
a coffee service on a tray, along with a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies. She
sat it on the coffee table and took the chair beside the sofa. After pouring,
she sat back and watched the two people who had entered her home. “How
open-minded are you?” Mulder shrugged, hiding
his smile. “I like a good story.” Mada shook her head again.
“I just bet you do. Okay, sit back.” She took a sip from her own cup. “Lydia
Hickman was Mother’s first cousin. She was about, let’s see Mother was born in
1912, so she was six years younger than Lydia. Lydia was 17 when it happened.
She went to a school dance with Edward Thornburg. Afterwards he took her to
that old bridge where you picked her up.” “How did you know where we
. . . “ Mada’s look stopped him. “She’s always at the
bridge. Anyway, he apparently got fresh and they had a fight. She demanded he
let her out, so he did and drove off. I suspect he was pretty mad too. From
Mother’s stories, I’m sure he expected more action than he got.” Mada took a
sip of coffee and moved the cookie plate closer to Mulder. He took one.
“Anyway, a drunk came around the curve and hit her. You didn’t hear about that
kind of thing as much back then, I guess because there were fewer cars it made
for fewer drunk drivers,” Mada shrugged. “Anyway, she was killed instantly.
They said it nearly killed Aunt Millie. Lydia was an only child and Aunt
Millie’d had her late in life. Uncle Chester was already gone, but Aunt Millie
lived another thirty years or so. “There’s a picture
somewhere of Aunt Millie holding me as a baby, so she died after ’53. Anyway a
year after the accident, Aunt Millie was asleep and there was a knock on the
door. It was a young man that claimed he had picked up a young woman in a white
dress and she’d asked to be brought home, to here. That was 1924. Lydia’s been
trying to come home ever since,” Mada sighed. “It tore Aunt Millie up, but she
wouldn’t sell the house. When she died, Mother inherited it. She rented it out
for awhile, but people didn’t like the visitors, or the connotations. My
husband and I moved back when Mother’s health started failing and stayed on
after she was gone. Would you like some more coffee, Miss Scully?” “No thanks. Um, how often
does this happen?” Scully asked, to Mulder’s delight. “Not often, not usually
more than twice a year anymore. I’m frankly surprised she stopped you. I can’t
remember the last time she stopped a couple. It’s usually a man, alone. Like I
said, Edward had reason to believe there was action to be had.” Mada smiled
slightly. Mulder looked over at
Scully. “Uh, Agent Scully was asleep and slumped down some.” “That might be it. You’re
such a little thing, she might not have seen you.” “Has anyone tried to help
her, uh you know, move on?” Mulder asked. Mada gave him a full smile
then. “You’re the first person to ever ask me that. Yes, my husband and I have
talked to a couple of people. So far it hasn’t helped, but it’s nice of you not
to laugh at me. And to keep me company for a little while. I will admit I’m
unsettled when this happens, even after all these years. My husband’s out of
town, so it’s good to have you here. But I’m sure you had other plans. I
understand if you want to escape.” She looked them both in the eye, obviously
immune to what they might think of her. “What happened to Edward?”
Mulder took the hint and rose from the sofa. “Oh, he joined the army,
career. He was killed in ’46. Made it all the way up to colonel.” Mulder grinned. “Thank
you, Mrs. Dula. That was a fascinating story.” Mada shook the proffered
hand. “My pleasure. And thank you for giving Lydia the ride. Maybe someday .
. . “ Mulder pulled out a
business card then and handed it to her. “Are there any bed and breakfasts
around here?” “Why yes, the B&B is just
a few blocks from here, near the old downtown. Just go down there to Richland,
then turn left on Green. It’s just past Hill Street. I play canasta there and
the rooms are lovely.” “Thanks, we’ll check it
out.” His hand took its place on Scully’s back, to escort her to the car. After they pulled away
from the curb the porch light went out and Mulder turned to Scully. “Well?” He
could see her roll her eyes. “Oh come on, we gave a lift to a ghost. Don’t you
have anything to say about that?” “Only you, Mulder.” “Apparently not in this
case,” he grinned. ***** He took the room for two
nights, which surprised her, but she made no comment. Once in the room, she got
ready for bed first and slipped under the sheets as he came out of the
bathroom. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and looked in her direction,
though not directly at her. "Scully, do you think I'm
husband material?" "What? I . . . I don't
know." He stopped then and looked
at her. "You never thought about it?" "Well, I guess not." "You never think
about us getting married?" "Mulder, I . . . if there
were children involved, yes. I think I'd want to get married then, but that's
not an issue for us." She knew immediately she'd said the wrong thing. "That's the only reason .
. . " "We're together, Mulder.
What difference would a, a certificate make?" "Well maybe not a
certificate, but a ceremony or . . . " "Mulder?" "Forget it." He tried to
grin at her, but the pain she was seeing in his face couldn't be completely
hidden. "Let's get some sleep. It's been a long day." "You, you want to go to
sleep?" "Yeah, I didn't get
a nap in the car." He made it sound light, but she heard the undertones. He
crawled in beside her, and when she scooted against him, put his arm around her
but didn't cuddle her closer like she was used to. She had thought they'd make
love. They lay there in silence
for a long time before she got up the courage to speak. "Mulder?" "Umm?" "Do you think I'd make a
good wife?" "Yes." There had been no
hesitation, he'd answered instantly. "Why?" He turned to look down at
her. "You're the perfect companion. My perfect companion." "I don't know about
perfect, but I am your companion." "It's okay, Scully. Get
some sleep." He rolled over, his back to her. She just stared at him for what
seemed like a long time, then she molded herself to his back, her arm over him.
After a minute he took her fingers and brought them to his lips for a kiss. "I'm sorry, Mulder." "I said it was okay." He
pressed her hand to his heart. "I'm the one that should apologize. I guess
there's enough Neanderthal in me to want everyone to know you belong to me." He
shifted when she pulled on him, turning again to face her. "I do, you know," she said
softly. "What?" "Belong to you." He did smile then. "Go to
sleep, Scully." ***** When she woke the next
morning, his side of the bed was empty. She glanced over at the bath, but the
door was open, the light off. “Mulder?” There was no response. She was
alone. Unexpected panic washed over her. She scrambled from the bed and began
digging for her robe. She was yanking it on when
the door opened and Mulder entered, balancing two cups of coffee and some
pastries. “Mulder!” Scully ran to
him, barely giving him time to empty his hands. She threw her arms around him. “Scully? What’s wrong?” “Nothing. You, you were
gone.” He looked at her
confused. “I just went to get us some coffee. Breakfast will be served in
fifteen minutes. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. I just didn’t
know . . . I’m fine.” He tilted her head up to
see her face. “I’m not going anywhere without you, Scully.” He kissed her
forehead and turned her toward the bathroom. “Go get dressed.” She nodded and did as he
bade. She was embarrassed now and grateful to disappear into the bath. What in
the world was wrong with her? She didn’t panic when he wasn’t beside her. But
she had hurt him last night. It was true she hadn’t thought of marriage, not in
a long time. She knew they were committed to each other. She had never
realized he thought about marriage. In fact she still found it hard to
believe. Had Mada’s remarks last night been that important to him? She joined him and slipped
off her robe, dressing in front of him. She could feel him watching but he made
no comments, no innuendos. Damn, she was uncomfortable. She had to say
something. “What do you want to do today?” He shrugged. “There’re
museums, a Quaker museum, we’re in the furniture capital of the world and . . .
“ “And what?” “Well, there’s the Maize
Adventure.” “Which is?” “A maze, in a cornfield.” “A cornfield. You want to
go back into a cornfield with me?” “I’d go anywhere with you,
Scully,” he said quietly, but the joy he’d had earlier was missing from his
voice. She stepped toward him.
“Mulder - “ “Breakfast is ready. I’m
sure you’re ready for your second cup of coffee.”
The day was pleasant but there was an
undercurrent of sadness that, though he tried to hide it from her, occasionally
came through. She was more than aware of it and was still kicking herself for
having upset him the previous night. They both did what they did best, avoided
talking about their feelings.
On the way back to the B&B after a full day,
where both had kept as active as possible to
avoid quiet time, she realized he
was back in Lydia’s neighborhood. “Mulder, are you heading back - "
“Uh, yeah. I wanted to stop in at Mada’s house
for just a minute.”
“Why?” she asked quietly.
“I have a couple of names, people that might be
able to help and I wanted to give them to her.”
She nodded. “She might be at work.”
He shrugged. “Do you want me to drop you off?
I can wait for her - "
“No, I’ll wait with you.”
They both seemed to realize what that meant at
the same time and the tension level rose, but neither mentioned it. They were
quiet, parked in front of the house again, but they didn’t seem to have the
ability to even try a conversation. Scully had never seen him look quite so
relieved as when Mada pulled into the driveway.
Mada emerged from her car and watched as they
exited as well and joined her on the sidewalk. She smiled in recognition, but
it faded as she watched them approach her. “Now I know Lydia didn’t ask for a
ride this afternoon.”
Mulder managed a smile. “No, we haven’t seen
her today, but I wanted to give you some information, names, of people that
might be able to help her.”
“Really?” She looked startled that someone
like him would have such contacts.
“I, uh, have a wide variety of interests.”
Her eyebrow rose, reminding him painfully of
Scully for just a second. “I don’t doubt it, Mr. Mulder.” She took the paper
and looked it over. “I will contact these people. It’s past time she rested.
I hope one of them can help.”
“Would you let me know, if anything . . . "
“I’d be happy to, and grateful for the help.”
She took the card he handed her as well, looking at him a little too closely.
“Well, we should be . . . “ Mulder shook her
hand and turned toward the car. Scully nodded to the woman, but Mada’s hand
came out stopping her. Mulder continued down the sidewalk.
“What’s wrong?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s probably, no, it’s definitely none of my
business, but did something happen? Did you two have a fight?”
“I, what?” Scully asked startled.
“Well, you were both so happy, playful, last
night and today he’s so depressed, and you’re not much better.”
“Uh, really, we’re fine.”
“Okay, it’s none of my business, but neither
one of you is ‘fine’. I hope it’s nothing about Lydia, or anything I said.”
Scully just looked at her for a long moment.
“Why don’t you think he looks like a husband?” Scully looked more startled than
Mada at the question. “I’m sorry, I - "
“No, it’s a legitimate question. He’s too
attractive. Obviously I know nothing about the man, but in my experience, men
that look as good as he does are more attentive to their own appearance than to
anyone else, and they spend a great deal of time on themselves. It’s hard to
believe he’s that good looking when he wakes up in the morning.”
“He is,” Scully said softly. “He doesn’t ever
thinks about his appearance.”
“Then you’re a very lucky woman.”
Scully blinked. “You’re right.”
Mada smiled and patted her arm. “Go on, he’s
waiting for you.”
He let himself into her apartment. She’d left
early but she had forced a promise from him to meet here at her place.
They weren’t spending quite as much time
together these days, but he didn’t seem to be able to change that. He’d stopped
by his apartment first but ended up not changing after he checked the mail. He
was a little later than he’d told her, but the note from Mada Dula, thanking him
for his help had driven other things out of his mind.
Lydia hadn’t been seen since they had picked
her up. While there was no promise that she wouldn’t be there under her bridge
sometime soon, for now at least . . . The lights were off and
candles were burning on the coffee table and side tables. “Scully? Did you
lose power?” “No.” She stepped into
view from the bedroom and his mouth dropped open. She was wearing a sheer cream
robe over a matching gown. Only lace covered her breasts and the rose of her
nipples peeking through had sent a large volume of his blood racing south. “Scully?” She approached him and
looked up into his eyes. She took his jacket and loosened his tie. “I wanted
to ask you something.” He nodded, unsure of what
to say. She held his gaze with
those bluest of blue eyes. “Will you marry me?” His mouth fell open. “You
. . . Scully, you don’t have to - “ “Will you?” she pressed. “Yes. Of course I will.” She smiled then, dazzling
him. He watched as she rose and held out her hand. “There’s champagne in the
bedroom, if you’d like to celebrate.” “I can think of better
ways to celebrate in there . . . “ He pulled the door closed
behind them. XXX
Author’s note: I’ve been wanting to get Lydia
into a story for years. She’s famous around here and I’ve been to her bridge
several times. The road has been moved now, and no longer goes under it, but
there are lots of documented sightings. Below are some websites about her.
(Mada belongs to me.) Happy Halloween!
”Good.” He knocked firmly on the door. It took a second knock, but they heard
movement and the porch light came on temporarily blinding them. The door opened
a crack and Mulder pulled open the screen door.
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Scully, the Lone Gunman and Skinner all belong to