Gathering Strength (R)
for language
Spoilers - Memento Mori
Keywords - MSR, angst
Summary - How much longer can she go on?
Added 3/5/01
Getting Lucky (NC-17)
Spoilers - Detour
Keywords - MSR, angst
Summary - After getting caught in a snow storm, is it finally going to rain sleeping bags?
Added 10/1/02
The Ghost Under the Bridge
Spoilers - None
Keywords - MSR, angst, Halloween fic
Summary - Can a ghost's family help them?
Added 10/25/07
The Gift - 1/? (NC-17)
Spoilers - 4th Season through Redux II
Keywords - MSR/angst
Summary - A romance/commitment story written long before Christmas Carol to give my
version of how things could have gone after Momento Mori and Mulder's discovery there.
There's no science in here, don't look for it.
The Gift - 2/? (NC-17)
See first part
The Gift - 3/? (NC-17)
See first part
The Gift - 4/? (R)
See first part
The Gift - 5/? (R)
See first part
The Gift - 6/? (R)
See first part
The Gift - 7/? (PG)
See first part
The Gift - Final Chapter,
part 1 (R)
See first part
The Gift - Final Chapter,
part 2 (R)
See first part
Gift of Light (PG-13)
Spoilers - IWTB
Keywords - MSR
Summary - Pure fluff, Happy Valentine's Day!
Added 2/14/09
Good Moods (PG-13)
Spoilers - Small one for Post-Modern
Keywords - S/O, Angst, Jealousy, MSR
Summary - Why was she in such a damn good mood?
Added 6/15/03
Goodbyes (PG-13)
- Finalist in the 2001 Spooky Awards
Spoilers - Essence
Keywords - MSR, angst
Summary - Saying goodbye
Added 5/14/01
Gray T-Shirts (PG-13)
Spoilers - Existence
Keywords - MSR, angst
Summary - Missing Scene
Added 5/22/01
Green Goes Well With Red
Hair (R)
Spoilers - Through Millennium
Keywords - MSR, jealousy
Summary - The buxom women f inally set Scully off
Added 4/16/01
Grief (GP-13)
Spoilers - TINH
Keywords - MSR, angst, Scully/Skinner
Summary - Now what?
added 3/5/01
Growing Younger (PG-13)
Spoilers - Dod Kalm
Keywords - MSR
Summary - When they got home. . .
Added 2/1/11
Guardian - Part I (G)
Spoilers - None
Keywords - Friendship/x-file
Summary - How does the girl know those things?
Guardian - Part II
Spoilers - None
Keywords - Friendship/x-file
Summary - How does the girl know those things?